
Recognizing Excellence in Waste Reduction and Diversion

3RCertified is a showcase for organizations that take a leadership position in waste reduction and diversion. Properties are awarded certification on the basis of total points earned, and verified through an on-site third-party evaluation.

Central to the program is a set of criteria available to active applicants in a questionnaire format. The criteria aim to capture the various ways an organization integrates its solid waste diversion and management program into operations and planning. The applicant organization earns a specified number of points for each criterion that it meets. Certification is awarded at one of four levels based on the total number of points earned.

As the program grows so will the 3RCertified database of externally verified diversion, capture and per unit reduction rates, which allows participants to better understand and benchmark performance. Annual aggregated data will be reported once the program gains critical mass of certified organizations.

How It Works


Fill out an online registration form

Complete Surveys

Six-month timeframe

Earn Certification

Meet requirements and achieve a score >60%

Create Profile

Use a secure third-party platform


On-site walkthrough

Maintain Certification

Up to three years




Become a Member

We offer collaborative opportunity and inspiration to redefine value in communities across Canada through showcase opportunities and putting circular economy concepts into action.