Recognizing Excellence in Waste Reduction and Diversion

3RCertified recognizes organizations that set the standard in sustainable waste management. This prestigious certification is awarded based on points earned through an on-site, third-party evaluation, showcasing a commitment to excellence in waste reduction and diversion.

At the heart of 3RCertified is a comprehensive set of criteria presented in an easy-to-use questionnaire format. These criteria evaluate how effectively organizations embed waste diversion and management strategies into their operations and planning. Points are awarded for each met criterion, with certification granted at one of four distinguished levels based on overall performance.

As more organizations join the program, the 3RCertified database will grow, providing participants with unparalleled insights into diversion, capture, and per-unit reduction rates. This aggregated data will serve as a powerful benchmarking tool, enabling certified organizations to track progress and drive continuous improvement.

How it Works


Fill out an online registration form

Complete Surveys

Six-month timeframe

Earn Certification

Meet requirements and achieve a score >60%

Create Profile

Use a secure third-party platform


On-site walkthrough

Maintain Certification

Up to three years


3RCertified applicants are required to use the Standard Waste Audit Methodology for waste audits, which applies a uniform process for measurement.



Using a Waste Stream Profile every material that is reused, recycled, and disposed of is gathered from the applicant’s waste audit and stored online.



Properties can generate year-over-year waste performance data, and benchmark diversion and capture rates per building and portfolio-wide.


3RCertified recognizes organizations that take a leadership position in waste reduction and diversion. Properties are awarded certification on the basis of total points earned, and verified through an onsite third-party evaluation.

Central to the program is a set of criteria available to active applicants in a questionnaire format. The criteria aim to capture the various ways an organization integrates its solid waste diversion and management program into operations and planning. The applicant organization earns a specified number of points for each criterion that it meets. Certification is awarded at one of four levels based on the total number of points earned.

As the program grows so will the 3RCertified database of externally verified diversion, capture and per unit reduction rates, which allows participants to better understand and benchmark performance. Annual aggregated data will be reported once the program gains critical mass of certified organizations.

Begin the registration process by filling the initial form with contact information and type of building.


Single building or portfolio managers: set up an account and add buildings under a single name to manage multiple sites. For portfolio managers that need to supervise multiple buildings under different accounts, please contact the 3RCertified program manager for access.

Service Providers

Managing client accounts: set up an account and add company’s office as the building address. Call the 3RCertified program manager to set up a portfolio manager account to have access to one or more program participant that is being project managed.

Register your building(s) on the Re-TRAC Connect platform where 3RCertified is housed. Assessment surveys and reporting functions are found on Re-TRAC Connect. 3RCertified program users have access to the platform 24/7 and can access technical assistance at any time.

The program registration page offers an overview of 3RCertified, along with a registration option at the bottom of the landing page. New applicants are required to choose the building type they would like to certify by clicking on the appropriate link.

Once an online account is created, 3RCertified approves access when application fees are completed. Applicants may access their account and assessment surveys upon being granted full access to the program.

3RCertified program applicants have up to six months to respond to the initial three online surveys: Site Profile, Certification Survey and Waste Stream Profile. In addition to the online surveys, applicants are required to gather all applicable back-up documentation in preparation for the on-site evaluation component.

Applicants answer a series of questions about the various aspects of their organization’s waste management program, with a focus on site-specific implementation. Performance information is entered from a waste audit conducted within the last 12 months of application date. The 3RCertified criteria encompass all aspects of a holistic, well-managed, and integrated waste reduction and diversion program.

On-site evaluation includes a thorough review and evaluation of all submitted entries. The purpose of an on- site evaluation is to verify the applicant has entered information correctly and demonstrate the extent to which waste management policies and procedures are implemented at the property level. Applicants are asked to provide supporting documentation for every “yes” response entered in the Certification Survey. Observation and staff interviews are also an important component of the on-site evaluation process.

Pre-Evaluation Document Review

Prior to the on-site evaluation, all mandatory documents along with waste stream information are reviewed, to ensure there is adequate subject matter to proceed. Review of waste and procurement policies (criteria 1 and 2); as well as, waste audit and waste reduction work plan (criteria 7 and 12). Additional information is strongly recommended to help ensure a smooth and timely evaluation.

Thirty-Day Period Post-Evaluation

In the event that specific documents are identified, but not made available during the on-site evaluation, a period of no more than 30 days is granted to the applicant, in order to supply the missing information. Specifically, this is only applicable to information that is already in existence at the time of the evaluation. Documents created as a result of having it be identified during the evaluation will not be accepted.

Upon a successful on-site evaluation, the applicant will be provided with a final score and can access an online Summary Report that provides question by question scoring and evaluator comments where applicable.

Successful certification may be obtained with a minimum final score of 60 per cent. Depending on the score an organization may achieve status at one of the following levels:

Site Profile and Certification Survey

Applicants must complete a Site Profile, Certification Survey, and Waste Stream Profile for each material identified in a waste audit, as part of the program’s prerequisites.

Site Profile: short survey with general questions about building size, activities, and waste management program. Also includes questions about waste audit period dates and other indicators that help calculate year-over-year waste reduction rate (to be used as internal benchmark, not scored). The Site Profile is required to obtain certification and is partially updated each year to maintain a 3RCertified status. Site Profile varies by module (building type).

Certification Survey: long-form survey that provides a qualitative assessment of all aspects of an applicant’s waste management program. Each question is scored based on supporting documents provided prior to and during the on-site evaluation phase of an application process. Certification surveys are designed as a unique module for each building type.

Waste Stream Profile: short one-page survey that is required for each reused, recycled, and disposed material reported in an application’s waste audit. The Waste Stream Profile inputs require the most number of hours as dedicated to the 3RCertified application process. It collects both performance based data, as well as qualitative information regarding the management of each material entered. The survey’s questions do not vary by module.

Evaluation Process

A key part of 3RCertified is an on-site evaluation, featuring a facility tour, document and performance review, compliance check, staff/tenant engagement, and assessment of the source separation program.

Preliminary Document Review

The assigned 3RCertified Evaluator will review the following documents to ensure there is enough subject matter to conduct the on-site evaluation:

  1. Annual Waste Audit – criterion 7
  2. Annual Waste Reduction Work Plan – criterion 12
  3. Waste Stream Profiles – cursory review
  4. Summary report – automatically generated report that provides an applicant’s performance rates, and summary of responses.

On-Site Evaluation

The anticipated duration of the on-site evaluation is approximately three (3) hours, but may take longer. Kindly set aside half a working day to ensure sufficient time is allotted for the tour, interviews and on- site document review.

Post Evaluation

Following a successful on-site evaluation, all applicable surveys will be saved under the status of “verified” to indicate external confirmation of data. A successful on-site evaluation means there are no missing documents and the 3RCertified Evaluator is not required to conduct a second evaluation. CIC will confirm the certification status has been maintain.

On the date of the evaluation, the 3RCertified evaluator will review applicable documentation and speak with individuals whose responsibilities are related to solid waste management at the site. The evaluation will include a site tour that encompasses all relevant locations of where waste is captured, disposed and temporarily stored.

While each site is unique and evaluation tours vary, there are a few simple steps applicants can take in order to help make the process a smooth one.

Generate a Summary Report found in Re-TRAC Connect online platform. The Summary Report will provide you with your performance: diversion rate, capture rate and per unit reduction rate. It will also provide all questions and responses submitted online. Review your responses and ensure you have supporting documentation to the information submitted.

  • A dedicated staff person to meet the 3RCertified evaluator and guide her/him throughout the tour
  • Ensure all appropriate personnel are available during the on-site evaluation tour. In some cases, this may include staff that work off site and external consultants. The 3RCertified evaluator will be speaking to persons whose responsibility includes all and / or some aspect of waste management at the site. For example, a communications staff person with the responsibility of creating information materials on ways to recycle paper and plastics at the site.
  • Ensure all supporting documentation can be easily provided for a quick reference. This includes waybills, invoices, contracts, and policies, internal and external documentation. In other words, the Evaluator will expect to review supporting (“back up”) documentation for all information submitted in the 3RCertified Surveys, including where a “yes” answer has been selected.
  • The 3RCertified evaluator will be seeking to understand how policies and procedures are implemented on-site. Special attention will be given to communications and awareness, as well as continuous improvement.


All parties agree to hold in strict confidence all information obtained during the evaluation process and all information concerning the business and affairs acquired in the course of this professional relationship. CIC management team and staff, as well as 3RCertified evaluator will make every endeavor to ensure that all materials provided via email, uploaded to the Re-TRAC Connect platform and shared during the on-site evaluation are kept confidential.

Authorized On-Site Dedicated Contact:

The applicant must ensure a dedicated person is available on-site to guide and accompany the 3RCertified evaluator. This person(s) must be authorized to act on behalf of the organization for the purposes of a 3RCertified evaluation, which may include accessing internal program documentation.