Circular Innovation Council Invited to Speak at COP27
Circular Innovation Council joins Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Canada as a guest speaker at the UN Climate Change Conference Circularity for Climate: Making the Case for the Net-Zero Circular Transition – The Power of Public Procurement to Accelerate Low Carbon Markets.
Through its 2030 Climate Change Plan, the Government of Canada has committed to reducing the country’s emissions by 40% by 2030, reaching net zero by 2050. Additionally, more than 500 local and regional councils have declared a climate emergency, and nine out of ten provinces are fighting climate change by adopting greenhouse gas reduction policies. Through these commitments, climate efforts have focused primarily on mitigation and adaptation to manage the risks and consequences of climate change. While necessary, a more sustainable and long-lasting solution requires a market that prefers low carbon and circular goods and services.
Canadian government procurement is valued at 200 billion dollars annually and represents more than 15% of the nation’s GDP, with 80% or 160 billion spent at the local government level. There is a clear and distinct opportunity to leverage public buying power to increase market demand and momentum for carbon-reducing circular solutions. Unfortunately, procurement remains on the sidelines as an underutilized tool capable of driving meaningful impact.
The Circularity for Climate: Making the Case for the Net-Zero, Circular Transition event, which will take place as part of the Canada Pavilion program at the UNFCCC’s 27th Conference of the Parties, aims to increase awareness among COP27 delegates of the circular economy’s emissions reduction potential, and to highlight best approaches including procurement to achieve climate change and resource efficiency goals simultaneously. Jo-Anne St. Godard, Executive Director of the Circular Innovation Council, will offer her perspective and insights showcasing circular procurement as an effective circular economy enabler that will lead Canada towards achieving a net zero economy.
To learn more about this event and our work, to advance Circular Procurement in Canada visit or contact;
We offer collaborative opportunity and inspiration to redefine value in communities across Canada through showcase opportunities and putting circular economy concepts into action.