Swap It Toolkit: Reducing Textiles Waste to Support a Circular Economy

Swap It Toolkit

During Waste Reduction Week 2017, we hosted a Pop-Up Clothing Swap at Nathan Phillips Square in partnership with the City of Toronto. The event was a success, diverting almost 300 kg of textiles from disposal.

Building on the successes of the Pop-Up Clothing Swap, as Recycling Council of Ontario we developed the Swap It Toolkit, a multi-language and customizable package of resources that includes everything you need to organize a successful swap event in your community, building, or workplace. We hope that through swap events hosted from the Toolkit communities are inspired to think about their clothing footprint by extending the life of products and reduce waste.

Swap It Toolkit logo

Swap events can be organized by anyone! Whether your swap will be just a small gathering in your apartment building or a large event in a community centre, any person or group is encouraged to use this step-by-step guide to assist with planning their swap event.

  • Multi-residential buildings
  • Individuals
  • Municipalities
  • Community groups
  • Schools
  • Businesses
  • Office green teams

What’s Included

  • Step-by step instructions for organizers
  • Customizable signs you can tailor for your building or community
  • Tips and facts about reducing textile waste
  • Customizable letter to residents with swap event details
  • Information for local charities to collect leftover materials
  • Resources in seven languages: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Persian, Chinese, and Tamil.

Get Started

  • Visit SwapitToolkit.ca and tell us a bit about who you are and when your swap event will be.
  • Once you register you will be directed to all the materials, where you can choose to download the Toolkit in full or each resource individually.
  • The step-by step guide will also walk you through the entire process, and our customizable resources will make planning and promoting your event a breeze.




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