3R CERTIFIED & WAT banners

Our Next Course Starts on May 27-30, 2025

Day 1: Zoom session: 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Day 2: In-person waste audit 9:15 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Location to be determined

Day 3: Zoom session: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Day 4: Zoom session: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. (includes final exam).

Important: In-person waste audits are central to the learning experience and a required component referred to in the final exam.

Member Rate :  $1,575

Non-Member Rate : $1,775

Email [email protected] or call 416.657.2797, ext.203 to express interest or reserve a spot.

Waste Audit & Benefits

A waste audit analyzes a facility’s waste stream. It identifies the type of waste and recycling materials generated, and how much of it is recovered for recycling or lost to disposal. The data from a waste audit allows organizations to identify and establish options for reduction, enhanced diversion and potential for cost savings and recovery.

Benefits of a waste audit

Reduction, reuse and recycling saves money by reducing disposal and hauling costs, and items captured for recycling can be sold as a commodity. A waste audit helps organizations identify savings and revenue opportunities.

As part of 3RCertified, organizations are required to conduct a waste audit. A waste auditor investigates the sources, composition, weight, volume, and destinations of material that an organization or facility generates. With a greater understanding of material being generated organizations can make informed choices on purchasing and procurement, which will lead to less material generated, more diversion options, and increased cost savings and environmental performance.

A thorough and efficient materials management program will increase the amount of paper, plastic, wood, glass, and metals diverted from disposal, and reduce air and water pollution, mitigate climate change, and conserve natural resources.

Professional Development

Circular Innovation Council offers Waste Auditor Training sessions, which are based on a Standard Waste Audit Method that supports development in key areas:

  • accurate and standardized methods of measuring and reporting performance
  • auditing principles
  • sampling methods
  • benchmarking and data analysis
  • best practices
  • compliance with regulation

Waste Auditor Training is a popular learning and development opportunity, and each session is limited to 12 -16 registrations.


William Baird

AET Group

William Baird is a waste audit manager at AET Group. He is a Certified Environmental Professional and graduated from the University of Western with a Bachelor of Science in Ecology and Evolution, he also holds a diploma in Environmental Control from Sheridan College.

William has extensive experience managing and leading solid waste studies and developing waste management programs for all levels of government and the IC&I sector and has completed hundreds of waste audits across Canada and the USA.

Paolo Muir

HSR Zero Waste

Paolo Muir is a Zero Waste Associate in British Columbia. Paolo developed his Zero Waste background learning closely from the council of Capannori in Tuscany, Italy, the first European council to adhere to a Zero Waste policy. Paolo’s postgraduate fieldwork research offered a comparative analysis between top-down and bottom-up approaches to Zero Waste in Europe. His work has led him to develop a strategically valuable network within the Zero Waste field via Zero Waste Europe and the Zero Waste International Alliance.

Paolo has extensive experience in the development of Zero Waste education and certification programs, as well as in their implementation in a consulting role. In addition, Paolo brings his training and experience as a professional solid waste auditor for the IC&I sector. With a decade of international work, he is currently working in Canada to spread the portfolio of good practices developed, towards implementing Zero Waste policies and practices.